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Learn Management Skills from a Billion Dollar Corporate House
ERA Group, one of India's fastest growing engineering, construction and services conglomerate, with a net worth of over Rs. 5000 crore. ERA's differential strength lies in timely execution of large-scale and complex projects across diverse verticals, including Power, Highways, Railways (including Delhi Metro), Airports, Urban Infrastructure, Refineries, Industrial / Commercial / Residential complexes.
Admissions Open: PGDM 2012 - 14
Era Business School is an AICTE approved B-School, offering Post Graduate Diploma in Management with various specializations like Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, International Business, Information Technology and Construction Project Management.
Event: Selection Process
Date: 11th - 14th June 2012
Admissions Procedure
EBS follows a simple and easy, though stringent, admission procedure. The 3-step admission process is as follows:
Step I
Appear in CAT / CMAT / MAT Examination.>
Step II
Register at EBS through a separate application form, which is available online or from the campus and other locations specified in the admission notice, at an subsidized amount of Rs. 200/. Students may apply for admission to Chairperson Admissions with a DD / Pay Order in favor of "Era Business School", payable at Delhi.
Step III
Candidates shall be invited for Group Discussion, Written Ability Test, and Personal Interview for final selection. Selected candidates will be intimated by registered post / website of the institute
* Minimum of 3 year Bachelors Degree or equivalent in any discipline, recognized by the Association of Indian Universities / University Grants Commission as eligible for Post Graduate studies in Management
Please Note: Candidates appearing in the final year of their Bachelor's degree are also eligible, provided they complete all formalities of their examinations before 30th June, 2012. Such candidates, on selection, will be given provisional admission subject to successfully passing their Bachelor's degree.
Dr. Vandana Sharma (Head of Admissions)
011-46451000, 9560790900-02