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About Us
Era recognizes the importance and need of sophisticated, good quality equipment for timely completion of projects and acknowledges its role in creating quality, long lasting and safe infrastructure. Era Machine Mart is formed to provide construction equipment to its customers to fulfill huge demands of high end construction machineries.
The demand of the booming infrastructure industry has accentuated the importance of high quality and timely delivery, resulting in only companies with total control on this aspect standing to gain from the industry boom.
However, to ensure high quality and timely delivery, it is imperative for companies to have access to state-of-the-art, new-age technology and sophisticated multi-purpose construction machineries and equipment. Gauging the critical role of contemporary equipment in facilitating excellent project execution, EMC has been set up to harness the immense opportunities unfolding in this field. It also seeks to address the ever growing demand for procurement, operations & maintenance of construction equipment across Era Group's different business lines for multiple projects.
The Era Machine Mart Brand
Era Machine Mart provides high end construction equipment on Short & Long term Rentals along-with trained, qualified, experienced Operators and maintenance team. Maintenance team provides onsite maintenance of equipment which is supported by in-house genuine spare parts inventories to ensure minimum maintenance, down time, quality repair & maintenance services.
In the first phase Era Machine Mart is setting up four regional workshops cum Rental stores ideally one in each zone. Thereafter, each regional workshop / rental store shall have a number of yards/ rental stores to cover the respective areas in every state to be nearer to customers.
Era Machine Mart offers specialized repair & maintenance facilities for our esteemed customers right at their door step whom are taking large fleet from us on long term rentals.