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About Us
The EPC is the key strategic business unit of Era Infra Engineering Limited, the flagship company of the diversified Era Group of companies.
This is the oldest Division of the company and is engaged in executing infrastructure development contracts across the full spectrum for the last two decades.
The exponential growth in infrastructure development has increased the demand for the construction industry. Thus, as a completely diversified business Division, Era's EPC is well-positioned to:
- Enhance focus on sectors witnessing an upswing at any given point in time.
- Move up the value chain and excel in complex and larger projects with increasing net worth by strengthening pre-qualification parameters.
Since its inception the Division has significantly strengthened in the following ways:
- Implementing timely and cost effective execution
- Constantly strengthening pre-qualification parameters
- Moving up the value chain and excelling in complex and larger projects
- Improving success rate in bids with competitive biddings
- Creating a strong knowledge base and competent human resource
- Robust monitoring and Management Information System (M.I.S)
- Developing project & responsibility management system through ERP
- Putting in place zero complaint systems for clients
Over the years, this Division has expanded its client and geographic base. This is explicit from the Division continuously strengthening its pre-qualification parameters through strategic alliances, which in turn has helped it enhance, excel and execute complex & large-sized projects.