Era Infra Engineering Ltd.
BOT & Epc Division

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The Company is under Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process w.e.f. May 8, 2018. For more details kindly go to Corporate Announcements tab provided at

About Us

Era's BOT & EPC has been set up with the clear objective of undertaking total operational control of all infrastructure development related activities. For this, the Division intends to leverage the in-house strengths of Era Infra Engineering in undertaking large-sized projects across sectors through functional synergisation and lateral integration of resources with the other Divisions of the company.

Era Infra Engineering's BOT & EPC is engaged in Engineering (basic and detailed), Procurement (of man, material and machinery) and Construction (execution of works contracts) on Turnkey, Item rate basis and on a Long Term - DBFO (Design, Built, Finance and Operate),BOT (Built, Operate and Transfer) ,BOOT (Built, Operate, Own and Transfer) on annuity and revenue collection basis.

The principal areas of focus for EPC projects comprise Highways, Metro Rail, Power, Bus Terminals, Underground Parking, Airports, Pipelines, Irrigation and other infrastructure development projects.

Besides, this Division aims to adequately harness the prospects opening up in a number of overseas markets that have been witnessing unprecedented boom in infrastructure development activities.