Era Infra Engineering Ltd.
BOT & Epc Division
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The Company is under Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process w.e.f. May 8, 2018. For more details kindly go to Corporate Announcements
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EPC Division
EPC Division
The functioning of this Division is driven by a multi-agency approach based on mutual trust and benefit, focusing simultaneously on strengthening the in-house partnerships and forming new alliances. The Division's:
- Robust monitoring and inventory management systems helps for timely and cost effective execution through a highly motivated analysis team and a competitive bidding system.
- Management expertise represents one of the division's biggest intangible strengths which on the back of unrivalled knowledge and years of hands-on experience has propelled the division's progression into fast-growing and highly profitable sectors and added immense value to the business.
- Excellence in scientific project management & execution stems from its impregnable engineering expertise, leverage of sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment, strong adherence to robust systems and processes and a scientific bidding process which has not only ensured timely completion of projects but more importantly helped set high engineering and construction benchmarks for others to emulate.
- Strong development & investment capacity coupled with a high level of trust among stakeholders has helped it straddle up the value spectrum and bag larger-sized and more complex projects across sectors.