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EPC Division
Key Projects
Leveraging on its strengths, this Division has been able to strengthen pre-qualification parameters and move up the value chain to excel in complex and larger projects with increasing net worth, which include:
- The Gwalior Bypass Project for the construction of a four-lane bypass of 42.03 KM length.
- The Hyderabad Outer Ring Road Project eight-lane expressway, for a stretch of 12 km.
- The Bahadurgarh-Rohtak Project of 63.49 KM for construction of a four/six-lane highway with bypass at Bahadurgarh & Rohtak
- The Delhi Metro tunnel (cut and cover system) with underground structures including Station Building.
Having successfully established its presence in the above-mentioned sectors, Era is now preparing to venture into new areas such as metro Projects, automated underground parking lots, large scale housing projects and railway freight corridor projects.