Era Infra Engineering Ltd.
EPC Division

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The Company is under Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process w.e.f. May 8, 2018. For more details kindly go to Corporate Announcements tab provided at

Business Overview

Highly professional approach

At Era, we value our business relationships and thus have adopted a professional approach towards them with core principles that underpin how we work with our partners.

Thus the approach adopted is motivated by qualified & experienced professionals, modern & latest equipment, all company-owned, adaptability of latest and mechanized methodology, holistic approach, creativity and hi-tech solution, quality, safety & environment management systems and backward and forward integration to other units of the group to optimize costs.

Competitive Strategy

A winning competitive strategy is founded on consistently understanding and predicting changing market conditions and customer needs. The following measures have helped us design our competitive strategy:
Robust in-house competencies thereby reducing quantum of work outsourced to the minimal.

  • Competitive Pricing
  • Optimum use of in-house resources
  • On-time delivery schedule

Sound financial background

Growth in business has to be accompanied by sound financial management and controls.
Era's impeccable track record of over two decades stands testament to the sound financial background which is further vindicated in the company's robust year- on- year growth for the past five years accompanied by timely financial closure and good profitability levels.

Strong Manpower

Experienced and committed man power is our asset. We realize this, and thus make elaborate efforts to identify, retain and enhance skilled workers. While bidding for the project, end customers are becoming increasingly concerned about finding providers that have a high level of technical expertise in house. Our team of over [2800] people has helped us execute some challenging projects resulting in our customers being content with the project outcome.

Strong ERP Systems

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a strategic tool helping an organization to gain an edge over its competitors by helping in successfully integrating its key business operations, synchronizing, planning and optimizing the resources available in the existing, extremely competitive environment. Against this backdrop Era's EPChas a state-of-art ERP Module based on cost effective technology in:

  • Human Resource Development
  • Finance
  • Contract & Construction management
  • Single Window System
  • Responsibility Management

The implementation of this module has helped the Division with regards to timely completion of projects in a cost effective manner, balancing all organizational resources, running the business with greater efficiency, accuracy and predictability, automating critical functions, central processing of data, maintaining connectivity of all sites long story through a high-end server enabling better Returns on Investment (ROI) through cost effective and faster deployment capability.