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Sectoral Presence
The operational highlights of this Division are focused around execution of larger ticket-size contracts through successful strengthening of our pre-qualifications, thereby enhancing our ability to increase the average ticket size of our orders and to take on relatively complex, large scale, and high earnings visibility projects across railways (including metro), ports, airports etc. The Division's current sectoral presence encompasses:
Roads & Highways | Railways | Metro | Airports |
Urban Infrastructure | Sports Facilities | Oil & Gas | Large Industrial |
Institutional | Commercial | Industrial | Hospitals |
Power (Thermal & Hydro) | Residential |
Highways 26.33%
Power Projects 24.15%
Railways 17.72%
Residential Projects 9.02%
IT Parks 5.16%
Industrial Projects 5.02%
Steel Sector 2.94%
Institutional Buildings 2.68%
Oil & Gas Sector 1.99%
Aviation Sector 1.81%
Shopping Mall Cum 1.81% Multiplex Projects
Health Sectorr 1.42%