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About Us
The educational arm of the Era Group, Era Business School (EBS) is an educational institution at par with global standards that believes in innovative teaching methodologies. EBS offers PGDM (post graduate diploma in management) with specialization in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, International Business, Information Technology, Entrepreneurship and Construction Project Management(CPM) through an intake of 120 students.
Situated in the heart of the sprawling sub-city of Dwarka, New Delhi, EBS is an ISO 9001:2008 institute with spread out on a state-of-the-art Wi-Fi campus. The campus is equipped with all the modern facilities, including step-based, global video delivery enabled classrooms and well-equipped Computer Lab & Information Technology and Communication Centre.
A globally-oriented educational institution, EBS is engaged in carrying forward the Era legacy of differentiation, to chart a new course in distinctive quality across the country's educational roadmap.