Era Business School

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Post Graduate Diploma in Management

PGDM (Two year full time)

Our Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) programme builds on our strengths in research, consulting, and pedagogy in the areas of Marketing, Finance, HR, IT, Entrepreneurship, and International Business. These programmes promote great participative approach to learning, and necessitate rational commitment and collaboration at both personal and professional fronts. Through an action research approach, students are encouraged to ruminate and explore ideas through hands-on, action-based experiments. We follow a transformative way of education, in which students challenge and learn within a dynamic and tech savvy environment.

At EBS we believe in nurturing leaders who are adept at handling the challenges offered by ever changing business environment. In this endeavor, we seek to provide our students with a unique inspirational transformation which will enable them to become reputed professionals in their chosen area of expertise. Our close links with industry give them ample opportunities to apply their acquired skills. The course curriculum is a tempting blend of in-depth subject knowledge and practical experience gained through a continuous process of industry academic interface. We aim to evolve through continuous learning which would be a mix of classroom and practical training coupled with a host of other initiatives.

The students are given home assignments designed in such a way that they are required to apply their fundamental knowledge and reasoning ability to arrive at the solution. So, every attempt is made to expose and utilize the practical knowledge to the subject and the same is considered in evaluating the student's performance through test, assignments, viva, observations, interaction etc. Special focus is given to ensure that students develop a well rounded personality. Various Personality Development and Communication Skills sessions are provided to the students on regular basis to supplement their hard skills with soft ones. Students are trained to develop case studies and write research papers, articles etc., which help them, not only develop practical knowledge and analytical ability, but also enhance their skill level.

Trimester l
11 Business Communication-I 2
12 Managerial Economics 3
13 Marketing Management-l 3
14 Financial Accounting 3
15 Business Environment 3
16 Quantitative Methods 3
17 Principles of Management 3
18 IT for Business 3
19 Foreign Language 1
  Trimester Total 24

Trimester ll
21 Business Communication-II 2
22 Legal Framework of Business 3
23 Marketing Management-I 3
24 Management Accounting 3
25 Corporate Finance 3
26 Operations Research 3
27 Organisational Behaviour 3
28 IT for Decision Making 3
29 Foreign Language 1
  Trimester Total 24

Trimester lll
31 Business Communication -III 2
32 Consumer Behaviour 3
33 Research Methodology 3
34 Macroeconomic Theory & Policy 3
35 Corporate Finance-II 3
36 Operations Management 3
37 Human Resource Management 3
38 Management Information Systems 3
39 Foreign Language 1
  Trimester Total 24

Trimester lV
41 International Business 3
42 Business Policy & Strategy 3
43 Spl-1 3
44 Spl-2 3
45 Spl-3 3
46 Spl-4 3
47 Spl-5 3
48 IForeign Language 6
49 Summer Training 1
  Trimester Total 28

Trimester V
51 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3
52 Corporate Governance & 
Social Responsibilities
53 Spl-6 3
54 Spl-7 3
55 Spl-8 3
56 Spl-9 3
57 Spl-10 3
  Trimester Total 21

Trimester lV
61 Final Research Project 9
  Trimester Total 28
Grand Total   130

List of specialization courses

Marketing Area (MK)
MK-01 Marketing of Service
MK-02 Customer Relationship Management
MK-03 Sales and Distribution Management
MK-04 Product and Brand Management
MK-05 Event Management
MK-06 Business-To-Business Marketing
MK-07 Integrated Marketing Communication
MK-08 Retail Management
MK-09 International Marketing
MK-10 Rural Marketing
MK-11 Direct & Interactive Marketing

Finance Area (FN)
FN-01 Financial Markets and Services
FN-02 Derivatives and Risk Management
FN-03 Corporate Tax Planning
FN-04 Equity Analysis
FN-05 Fixed Income Securities
FN-06 Corporate Restructuring
FN-07 Wealth Management
FN-08 Portfolio Management
FN-09 Analytical Method In Finance
FN-10 Project & Infrastructure Financing
FN-11 International Financial Management

Human Resource Area (HR)
HR-01 HRP, Recruitment & Selection
HR-02 Training & Development
HR-03 Compensation and Performance Management
HR-04 Industrial Relations
HR-05 International HRM & Cross Culture
HR-06 Leadership & Team Building
HR-07 Organizational Development & Change
HR-08 Organizational Theory & Design
HR-09 Interpersonal Relations & Group Dynamics
HR-10 Knowledge & Innovation Management
HR-11 Advance HRM

Information Technology Area (IT)
IT-01 Management Of E-Business Technology
IT-02 Data Management
IT-03 Information System Design
IT-04 Business Data Communication
IT-05 IS Project Management
IT-06 IS Security
IT-07 Decision Support System
IT-08 Knowledge Management Systems & Technology
IT-09 IT and Business Strategy
IT-10 IS Auditing

International Business Area (IB)
IB-01 International Tour
IB-02 International HRM & Cross Culture
IB-03 International Marketing
IB-04 International Financial Management
IB-05 Managing Multinational Corporations
IB-06 International Business Laws
IB-07 International Economics
IB-08 WTO & International Institutions
IB-09 Import –Export Documentations

EM-01 Project Management
EM-02 IKnowledge Management System and Technology
EM-03 Supply Chain Management
EM-04 Business Process Re-engineering
EM-05 Family Business Management
EM-06 Entrepreneurship Management
EM-07 Entrepreneurial Lab
EM-08 Venture Growth Plants and Formulation
EM-09 Social Entrepreneurship

  • The Student may opt for specialization courses from the academic portfolio offered below with the condition of atleast 6 credit courses from a particular specialization stream but not exceeding 15 credits
  • Foreign language shall be made available out of Mandarin, French, German and Spanish subject to minimum 20 students opting for the same
  • Audit Courses: Power Yoga, Theatre and Dance