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EBS Edge
EBS Differentitaors
Corporate Interface
The EBS Corporate Interface finds strength in the institute's linkage with the leading Era Group, and its network organizations.
EBS follows global teaching practices embedded in practical training methodologies, which are rooted in the multi-faceted business systems of the Era Group. This is a key nurturing force to sharpen the skills of students in line with the constantly changing and perpetually expanding domestic and global market environments.
The Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) at EBS arranges regular visits by CEOs and industry experts as guest lecturers. The interactive sessions ensuing from these visits help make education more relevant to the evolving business world. They further help prepare students to meet the challenges of the ever-changing business world. The CRC constantly communicates with the industry to bring quality summer training and final placements to the campus. These interactive methodologies are a key driver of the EBS growth strategy.
The Management Development Programme (MDP) is another important concept to promote the corporate interface at EBS.
The participants are outfitted with modern tools, techniques and skills, straddling diverse spheres of management like Human Resource, Marketing, Finance, Management, Information Technology, Entrepreneurship and International Business.
Developing communication skills is an important part of personality development, and therefore EBS provides University of Cambridge's BEC programme and Dale Carnegie's Certificate Programme in Executive Excellence, with the aim of bridging the gap between the campus and the corporate. EBS has also set up a Communication & Language Lab to support this initiative.
This corporate interface enables the students to be exposed to practical, live case studies, wherever possible, instead on mere theory. This, in turn, helps develop their logical & analytical ability and their market knowledge, across the various subjects of their course curriculum.
Tech Savvy
EBS is a key platform for the evolution of youngsters into tech-savvy professionals equipped to handle the complex challenges of today's business world. The tech-savvy learning environment at EBS is more than just a technological advancement for the institute; it is a foundation on which is built the students' technological prowess that helps them effectively use technology to meet the needs of the industry.
Realizing the importance of effective technological integration with the curriculum in order to intensify and boost the learning process, EBS has achieved the same with regular use of technology that supports curricular objective. The focus is on ensuring that the course structure supports the four major components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction & feedback, and linkage to real-world experts.
Era Business School has a world-class infrastructure, equipped with modern educational technology, which acts as a major facilitator of its differential learning system.The learning environment at EBS is powered by a Wi-Fi enabled state-of-the-art technology campus.
The campus is equipped with the latest technologies in education, including a Finnish software-based language lab, besides online quiz and examinations for all courses.
Beyond Academics
The educational environment at EBS offers fun and interactive learning, where the students are also imbibed with leadership skills, decision-making and team spirit, apart from academic brilliance.
The innovative approach towards learning at EBS is evident from the fact that students are encouraged to participate in cultural festivals, events, power yoga, exchange programs, outbound training programs, sports & management games, community services, etc. The students participated in several exciting events, including the Indo-China Friendship Day, the Freshers' Party (Inzio Festa), Subsidized Educational International Tour to Hong Kong & China, Erabrations 2011 (Annual Fest) and various community services like Clean Delhi campaign, Savera (New Morning), to name a few.
The innovative approach towards learning at EBS is evident from the fact that students are encouraged to participate in cultural festivals, events, exchange programmes, outbound training programs, sports & management games, community services, etc. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind and this ideology, students are encouraged to participate in Power Yoga, Aerobics, Dance, and various other sporting activities.
The academic sessions 2010-2011 saw the students participate in several exciting events, including the Indo-China Friendship Day, the Freshers' Party (Inzio Festa), Subsidized International Educational Tour to Hong Kong & China, Erabrations 2011 (Annual Fest) and various Social Responsibility like Clean Delhi campaign, Savera (New Morning) etc.
EBS is equipped with a large Recreation Zone, which comprises a students' lounge. The lounge has several exciting offerings for the students, including board games, stress relievers & discussion areas for informal learning.
In the pursuit of holistic development of the students, the institute focuses on MENTOR-MENTEE relationship, as it's a mentor's hindsight that eventually becomes a mentee's foresight. The institute maintains a high Faculty Student ratio of 1:10.