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Era Business Aptitude Test
Era Business School conducts Era Business Aptitude Test (EBAT), with the aim of encouraging talented students, and building a sense of achievement in them. EBAT is an online examination, however it is also conducted on paper (depending on the exam location).
The test is designed to assess your logical reasoning & thinking performance, besides your verbal, numeric, spatial, and other abilities. It consists of multiple choice questions, and are administered under strict exam conditions.
EBAT is strictly timed, and a typical test usually lasts for 60 minutes. Your score gets displayed on submissions of your paper (online) and results declared the same day.
Era Business School believes in Promoting Excellence and Rewarding Meritocracy, and thus the winners of EBAT have received cash prize of `100,000 and 10 consolation prize of `5000 each
Previous Winners of EBAT - `1 Lac
- EBAT 1: Govind Goyal
- EBAT 2: Ranjan Gupta
- EBAT 3: Tarun Sharma
- EBAT 4: Mayank Gaur and Abhishek Singhal (Joint Winners)
- EBAT 5: Zorawar Singh