Era Business School

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An AICTE approved and future-centric educational arm of the Era Group, Era Business School is an educational institution at par with global standards that believes in innovative teaching methodologies.

EBS offers Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) programme, with specialization in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, International Business, Information Technology and Construction Project Management.

We recognize and welcome students who thrive on novel ideas, fast-paced learning and community commitments. We encourage participation in lively discussions, expression of thought and interactive communication in a highly verbal and multi-cultured environment, which leads to intellectual growth.

A globally-oriented educational institution, EBS is engaged in carrying forward the Era legacy of differentiation, to chart a new course in distinctive quality across the country's educational roadmap.

Situated in the heart of the sprawling sub-city of Dwarka, New Delhi, EBS is spread out on a state-of-the-art Wi-Fi campus. The campus is equipped with all the modern facilities, including step-based, global video delivery enabled classrooms and well-equipped Information Technology and Communication Centre.

The key enablers of EBS' unique approach lie in its Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC) and Corporate Resource Centre (CRC), which provide academic and practical strength to the course curriculum. The EBS CRC is a powerful driver of practical training for the students, enabling their evolution into business leaders of tomorrow.

A well-designed Seminar Hall & Conference Hall, MDP Centre, aesthetically designed Cafeteria offering multi-cuisine meals, and a vibrant Recreation Zone make Era Business School a world-class knowledge hub.

Steered by a highly qualified faculty, with rich industry and academic experience, EBS is focused on nurturing leaders of tomorrow by making a difference to their educational graph. The thrust is on creating distinctive qualities that help the students remain ahead of competition, always!


  • To establish globally recognized socially righteous, environment friendly, trusted and innovative institutions of excellence.


  • To develop technology adept, socially and environmentally responsive change managers for business, globally.


  • To design a future-focused program architecture combining the latest of academic knowledge with extensive practical exposure
  • To instill the highest level of managerial & leadership competence.
  • To leverage cutting-edge technology to impart research-led knowledge and skills in the most productive manner.
  • To inculcate a strong problem-solving and risk-taking culture that will prepare managers-leaders to set new standards of excellence.
  • To address the complex business requirements of the corporate world.
  • To equip students with positive attitude and value system of discipline and integrity.
  • To sensitize students with the issues of ethics and environment.
  • To inspire the students to make positive contribution to society.