Era Business School

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For Recuiters

Dear Recruiters,

Era Business School is proud to present you with its latest batch of graduates, who have been taught and mentored by some of India's most dynamic faculty members, entrepreneurs and innovative leaders.

Anchored by the Billion Dollar Enterprise Era Group, EBS is an AICTE Approved, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Business School, a globally-oriented educational institution, with a state-of-the-art infrastructure. The campus is equipped with all the hi-tech and modern facilities, including EBS Blackboard, step-based, global video delivery enabled classrooms, well-equipped computer lab, information technology and communication centre.

We welcome students who thrive on novel ideas, fast-paced learning and community commitments. We encourage participation in lively discussions, expression of thought and interactive communication in a highly verbal and multi-cultured environment, which leads to intellectual growth. Our curriculum is a blend of in-class learning and hands-on practical experience.

Our PGDM programme stresses on lively seminars, teamwork, and proactive task management, allowing students to develop the ability to think logically and laterally. Our PGDM program (Construction Project Management), is designed to give students an opportunity to work on leading infrastructure and real estate sites in to get vital work experience.

To achieve holistic development of students, the institute focuses on mentor-mentee relationship and maintains a high faculty-student ratio of 1:10.

To make your job as a recruiter easier, EBS has developed a 20-page, full-colour brochure which not only lays out all aspects of the educational process at our institute, but features all graduates, listing each one's specialization, qualifications, summer placement and a full description of their achievements.

We urge you to study it as it truly allows recruiters to zero in on individuals with the exact qualifications they are looking for and get to know them even before their interviews.

All in all, the Era Business School placement brochure is a recruiter's dream come true, making the selection process - and their job - so much easier.