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Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Construction Project Management)
* Construction Project Management is now offered as a specialization course, as part of PGDM Programme.
PGDM (CPM), offered by EBS, is a unique & innovative programme for the development of professionals with knowledge, skills and expertise for effective management of construction, real estate and infrastructure projects. This sectoral management programme, with its judicious blend of theoretical and applied courses as well as practical experience, aims to transform graduates into mature and responsible professional technomanagers with the potential & ability to successfully plan, execute, monitor and control construction projects in order to achieve project objectives and requirements.
The well-structured two year programme curriculum encompasses traditional management courses in construction & project management, along with specialized courses in real estate development & management, infrastructure development & management, with focus on transport, energy & power infrastructure. The programme is open to both fresh graduates and mid-career professionals. This unique & innovative two year programme shall develop professionals having knowledge, skills and expertise for efective project management of construction & infrastructure projects. The well-structured two-year curriculum of the programme is in consonance with global standards & best practices in project management and encompasses traditional management courses, courses in construction & project management along with specialized courses in real estate development & management, infrastructure development & management with focus on transport, energy & power infrastructure.
PGDM (CPM) students shall be given an opportunity to work at project sites (infrastructure & real estate projects) of leading infrastructure & real estate companies in NCR region. This programme is designed to provide students with inancial assistance as well as practical hands on experience on live projects which shall sharpen their knowledge & skills.