Era Business School

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The Company is under Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process w.e.f. May 8, 2018. For more details kindly go to Corporate Announcements tab provided at

Advisory Board

  • Mr. H. S. Bharana, President, SKYVISION WELFARE SOCIETY; CMD, Era Group Of Companies
  • Ms. Rashmi Bharana, General Secretary, SKYVISION WELFARE SOCIETY
  • Prof. (Dr.) H. Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH, Greater Noida
  • Prof. (Dr.) Pushpesh Pant, Professor, Jawarhar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Mr. S. D. Sharma, Former Member of Indian Railway Board
  • Mr. Arvind Pande, Director, HDFC Bank, Former Chairman SAIL
  • Mr. Ranjan Sen, Head Strategic Distribution, HSBC India
  • AICTE – Representative
  • Prof. (Dr.) Sanjiv Marwah, Director, Era Business School